Video highlights

Our video library contains daily highlights and video features from Cowes Week. To watch a video, just select it from the list in the right hand column and click the play button in the middle of the video screen.


Friday 12th at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week

Matt gets out on the water with some of the overall class winners, as the regatta reaches its climax

Thursday 11th at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week

Against the backdrop of 800 boats racing in Cowes Week, two multi-hulls go for round the island records in the Artemis Challenge

Wednesday 10th at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week

Day 5 and it's youth day here at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week.

Tuesday 9th at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week

Another beautiful day's racing on the Solent as the event celebrates Ladies Day in Cowes

Monday 8th at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week

Charity Day: Ben Willow on why the event is important to the UKSA, plus Dee Caffari and her involvement with the event charity.

Sunday 7th at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week

Up close with the Borghijs family, sailing on Tontin Pups on Family Day

Saturday 6th at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week 2016

Matt Sheahan introduces the opening day of one the world's largest and most famous sailing regattas