Our video library contains daily highlights and video features from Cowes Week.
You can also visit our LiveStream page to replay over 20 hours of streaming video from Cowes Week 2019.
From First Gun to Friday Fireworks, Cowes Week 2019
Sunsail Ribcam Racing Footage from Friday 16 Aug
Friday 16th August Highlights
Giovanni Belgrano in 'Whooper'
Thursday 15th August Highlights
Ollie Philips - England Rugby Captain and Sunsail Ambassador
Supporting Sponsor Musto's Marketing Director, Nick Houchin
Giles Peckham in Dauntless from the Daring Class
Supporting Sponsor Chatham Shoes MD Philip Marsh
Wednesday 14th August Highlights
6 year old Rhys Millband doing his second Cowes Week!
Will Heritage (in 'Freddie Flintoff'), discusses the Youth Day supported by Antigua Sailing Week
Royal London Etchells Youth Academy
Rana Lewis - Marketing Director Antigua Sailing Week
Sunsail Ribcam Racing Footage from Mon 12th and Tues 13th
Sunsail RibCam footage of XOD fleet | Tue 13 Aug
Sailing Highlights from Tuesday 13th August, Ladies Day
Clare Gibson - Marketing Director at Supporting Sponsor Slingsby Gin
The Magenta Project at Cowes Week 2019
Sarah Ayton - Champion Sailor and Land Rover Ambassador
Monday 12th August Highlights
Sunday 11th August Highlights
Annabel Vose - World Champion Sailor
Ben Cartledge, CEO of Regatta Charity Partner, 1851 Trust
Round up for Saturday 10th August
Geoff Dixon talks about sailing the 70 year old Zelia in her first Cowes Week
Family Day at Cowes Week 2019, The Norton family in TideRace
Family Day at Cowes Week 2019, The Barter Family
Veteran sailing journalists Bob Fisher and Stu Alexander reminisce
Chris Cecil Wright talks about sailing EAGER in the regatta for the first time.