Races & courses - 2015

Wednesday 12th August 2015

BG Committee Vessel Start Line
Last update: Wed Aug 12 23:29

IRC Class 0 11:05 15 finished BGCV Laid 1st mark(SR)
George Hotel(PR)
Solent Bank(PR)
Ge rge Hotel(PR)
Bramble Finish Line (17.4nm)
IRC Class 1 11:30 19 finished BGCV Laid 1st mark(SR)
George Hotel(PR)
Solent Bank(PR)
Ge rge Hotel(PR)
Bramble Finish Line (17.4nm)
IRC Class 2 11:40 20 finished BGCV Laid 1st mark(SR)
George Hotel(PR)
West Lepe(PR)
Hams ead Ledge(PR)
East Lepe(SR)
Gurnard Ledge(PR)
Bramble Finih Line (17.9nm)
IRC Class 3 11:50 18 finished BGCV Laid 1st mark(SR)
Caldwells Estate Agents(PR)
West Le e(PR)
Hamstead Ledge(PR)
East Lepe(SR)
Gurnard Ledge(PR)
Bamble Finish Line (15.8nm)
Sigma 33 12:00 14 finished BGCV Laid 1st mark(SR)
Caldwells Estate Agents(PR)
East Le e(SR)
Gurnard Ledge(PR)
Bramble Finish Line (12.0nm)

RYS Start Line
Last update: Wed Aug 12 23:29

IRC Big Boats 10:10 3 finished West Lepe(PR)
Hamstead Ledge(PR)
West Lepe(PR)
George Hotel(PR)
Solent Bank(PR)
George Hotel(PR)
RYS Finish Line (23.6nm)
J/70 10:25 11 finished Cowes Radio(SR)
Darling Buoy(PR)
Royal Thames (PR)
William PR)
Royal Thames (PR)
Wight Vodka(PR)
Flying Fish (16.8nm)
SB20 10:35 9 finished Cowes Radio(SR)
Darling Buoy(PR)
Royal Thames (PR)
William PR)
Royal Thames (PR)
Wight Vodka(PR)
Flying Fish (16.8nm)
Daring 10:45 18 finished craftinsure.com(SR)
Wilson Covers(PR)
Lepe Spit(SR)
RYS(SR Wight Vodka(PR)
Flying Fish (15.9nm)
Dragon 10:55 11 finished eDigitalResearch(PR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
elephantboatyar .co.uk(PR)
RYS Finish Line (15.0nm)
Sportsboat 11:05 20 finished Cowes Radio(SR)
Darling Buoy(PR)
Royal Thames (PR)
William PR)
Royal Thames (PR)
Wight Vodka(PR)
Flying Fish (16.8nm)
RS Elite 11:15 13 finished eDigitalResearch(PR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
elephantboatyar .co.uk(PR)
RYS Finish Line (15.0nm)
Sonar 11:25 12 finished craftinsure.com(SR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
RYS inish Line (10.9nm)
Swallow 11:35 10 finished Salt Mead(PR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
elephantboatyard.co.uk PR)
RYS Finish Line (13.8nm)
Redwing 11:45 23 finished craftinsure.com(SR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
RYS inish Line (10.9nm)
Flying 15 11:55 9 finished Salt Mead(PR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
RYS Finish Line (11.9nm)
Squib 12:05 24 finished craftinsure.com(SR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
elephantboatyard co.uk(PR)
RYS Finish Line (12.8nm)
Mermaid 12:15 12 finished Salt Mead(PR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
elephantboatyard.co.uk PR)
RYS Finish Line (13.8nm)
Victory 12:25 11 finished Cowes Radio(SR)
Williams Shipping(SR)
Bainbridge Internati nal(PR)
RYS Finish Line (8.3nm)

Bramble Start Line
Last update: Wed Aug 12 23:29

J/109 10:30 14 finished Hamble Yacht Services(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'e'(SR)
AAMCW la d mark 'b'(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'd'(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR Artemis The Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Cosort(PR)
Shrape Finish Line (15.8nm)
IRC Class 4 10:40 25 finished Hamble Yacht Services(SR)
Rolly Tasker Sails SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'c'(PR)
AAMCW laid mark 'b'(SR)
AAMCW aid mark 'd'(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR)
Artemis The Profit Hnter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Consort(PR)
Shrape Finis Line (18.1nm)
Sigma 38 10:50 7 finished Hamble Yacht Services(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'e'(SR)
AAMCW la d mark 'b'(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'd'(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR Artemis The Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Cosort(PR)
Shrape Finish Line (15.8nm)
IRC Class 5 11:00 22 finished Hamble Yacht Services(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'e'(SR)
AAMCW la d mark 'b'(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'd'(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR Artemis The Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Cosort(PR)
Shrape Finish Line (15.8nm)
Quarter Ton 11:10 12 finished Fastnet Insurance(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'e'(SR)
AAMCW laid m rk 'b'(SR)
East Bramble(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR)
Artemis Te Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Consort(PR)
Srape Finish Line (14.5nm)
Contessa 32 11:50 11 finished Fastnet Insurance(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'e'(SR)
AAMCW laid m rk 'b'(SR)
East Bramble(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR)
Artemis Te Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Consort(PR)
Srape Finish Line (14.5nm)
IRC Class 6 12:00 23 finished Fastnet Insurance(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'e'(SR)
AAMCW laid m rk 'b'(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'd'(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR)
Aremis The Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Consor(PR)
Shrape Finish Line (15.5nm)
IRC Class 7 12:10 8 finished Fastnet Insurance(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'e'(SR)
South Ryde M ddle(SR)
AAMCW laid mark 'd'(PR)
West Ryde Middle(SR)
Arteis The Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Consort(R)
Shrape Finish Line (14.3nm)
Sunsail Match F40 12:20 23 finished Fastnet Insurance(SR)
Peel Bank(PR)
North East Ryde Middle SR)
Darling Associates Architects(PR)
Artems The Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Consort(P)
Shrape Finish Line (15.6nm)
Cruiser (Div A) 12:30 15 finished Fastnet Insurance(SR)
Peel Bank(PR)
North East Ryde Middle SR)
Darling Associates Architects(PR)
Artems The Profit Hunter(PR)
South Bramble(PR)
Prince Consort(P)
Shrape Finish Line (15.6nm)
Cruiser (Div B) 12:40 21 finished Fastnet Insurance(SR)
Champagne Pol Roger(PR)
A temis The Profit Hunter(PR)
North Ryde Middle(SR)
South Brmble(PR)
Prince Consort(PR)
Shrape Finish Line (12.9nm)

Shrape Start Line
Last update: Wed Aug 12 23:29

XOD 13:05 58 finished ---

WG Committee Vessel Start Line
Last update: Wed Aug 12 23:29

Etchells 11:20 15 finished WG Windward Mark(PR)
WG Leeward mark(PR)
WG Windward Mark( R)
WG Leeward mark(PR)
Wight Vodka(PR)
Flying Fish (11.1nm)
J/80 11:30 15 finished WG Windward Mark(PR)
WG Leeward mark(PR)
WG Windward Mark( R)
WG Leeward mark(PR)
Wight Vodka(PR)
Flying Fish (11.1nm)
Sunbeam 11:40 7 finished WG Windward Mark(PR)
WG Leeward mark(PR)
WG Windward Mark( R)
WG Leeward mark(PR)
Wight Vodka(PR)
Flying Fish (11.1nm)