
16:23 Wednesday 2 Aug 2017 Sue Pelling/LCWWinners' quotes

Close racing off the start in the Daring class – photo Paul Wyeth/LCW

Quotes from a selection of winners from today’s racing

Xabi Fernandez, Volvo 65 Mapfre, Sevenstar Triple Crown Around the Island Race

"Of course, I’m very happy with the crew. We did a very good start and the manoeuvres were all very good. It’s one of our strongest points we have as a crew – that a lot of us have sailed together already and the new people are all good people, very switched on, and things are coming together nicely.

“We knew that the start would be very important and once we had a good start we had to control the fleet as much as possible and then, of course, the hard moment was tacking in the right place at the Needles, which we did, and then peel to the front, start going fast and then we were always in the lead.

“To be the first one gybing was a difficult moment but I think we did it in the perfect place and then it was all in a straight line.

“I think we had a very nice race today around the Island – 25-30 knots and raining and it was a very nice race, very close, as expected, and we had a very good start and it was full on at the Needles. There were some fast minutes and it was very good fun.”


Jodie Kidd, CQS, 100ft multi-winged supermaxi, Sevenstar Triple Crown Around the Island Race

“It was amazing, tough conditions and we had some issues; a few things broke, which was a bit of a shame, which meant the proper record attempt was off but it was an unbelievable experience. It was quite hairy at speed round the Needles and, as we were so close, the waves were close together so we were given quite a rough ride round the back of the Island.

“The guys helmed it incredibly well and I felt I was part of the team on the rails, helping with weight. Bit cold now though just looking forward to a cup of tea.”


John Corby, Daring, Doublet

“Overall we are looking strong but it’s definitely not over yet. I’d say that over the last three years of the standard of fleet has really improved, and it is definitely not easy to score a top result.

"Today there was a navigation question mark with the moorings just off the start and which ones to pass, so we decided to sail north of them all to be doubly sure.

“It was tough out there today and a tricky helming job but Andy McLellend did a superb job of weaving through the Norris Naggers, the most difficult part. It was really fluky and it was there where I think we gained the most.

“It was windy, that’s for sure with gusts close to 30kts, so once we’d taken the lead we slotted into boat preservation mode because it was really on the edge. To be honest, in those conditions we would have been happy with a second.”





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